Monday, March 4, 2013

Macro environment of the company

In general micro-environment of the company operate a number of factors.

Demographic environment which includes:
- Number and population growth
- Age
- Education
- Family
- Geographical movement of the population
- Ethnic and racial structure

Commercial (economic) environment:
- Distribution of income
- Savings, debts, credit opportunities for taking
- Modification of the model of consumer behavior

Physical (natural) environment:
- Lack of some basic raw materials
- Increasing energy costs
- Increasing the level of pollution
- Limitations in the management of natural resources

Technological environment:
- Quick pace technological change
- Unlimited possibilities for innovation
- Great investment for research and development
- Concentration of minor improvements rather than major breakthroughs
- Increasing the number of regulations on technological changes

Political and legal environment:
- Legislation regulating the operation
- The influence of various groups with special interests
- Consumerism

Socio-cultural environment:
- Beliefs, values, norms
- Culture and subculture


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