Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Alternative strategies at BCG-matrix

Depending on whether it will also depend on the strategy that the company should apply in respect of which of them will continue to invest, where to stop investing, to leave. In this regard, the company at the disposal of four strategies:
- Investment in order to increase market share
- Investing as much as necessary to maintain constant market share
- The collection of income
- Leaving
The first strategy is usually applied to question marks, but only those that projected sales volume is large, ie on IE having a chance to become the leading run. If those things do not have the perspective that may become worthless things, then the company should apply a strategy for leaving.
The second strategy of investment in order to maintain market share is applied to cash cow, ie those that generate more cash than is necessary for their manufacture and sale. Excess cash used for financing the leading Test run and things.
The third strategy of collecting revenue is applied to things that are a poor source of cash in an unclear future known as dogs, and also to test things and work out if they have no perspective.
The fourth strategy of leaving apply on dogs, or test things if they do not have the opportunity to develop, whereby funds are moving toward a things that much more promising.


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