Definition of marketing

There are numerous definitions of what marketing represents ... Marketing is conducting business activities that lie on the courses and services from producer to consumer. Activities that are...

Marketing mix and marketing research

Marketing is not only for the purpose of creating an image, but creating reputation among all stakeholders of the enterprise, and through the construction of identity and the implementation of communication activities the company can build an image, and reputation can ...

Marketing concept and tasks of marketing managemen...

Marketing concept is a business concept that finds great application in practice and which will continue to evolve, supplemented and amended in line with changes in the environment in which the companies are operating. Marketing concept

Actors in Micro environment

Success of the operation will depend largely on the efficiency of connection within a certain system. Because of that actors in micro environment are:

Macro environment of the company

n general micro-environment of the company operate a number of factors.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Determining marketing objectives in the plan

Once conducted the situation analysis and the SWOT analysis, you should choose a target market and determine marketing goals to achieve in the next period. In this part of the plan should answer the question "Where do you want to go?"
Target market refers to customers who will get served, so it is necessary to describe their features and to answer questions about what, where, how, how buy and at what pace. The enterprise can be considered that its product can be sold to the market, ie all market segments, but in that case you will not be satisfied as long as it takes those buyers who likely would have changed the product. Also it would mean unnecessary squandering of the resources, so the company should choose one or several segments that will serve as a target market.
Goals they need to answer the question: "where the company wants to go" or "the company is trying to achieve"
All goals should meet several conditions. Actually objectives should be SMART ie be specific (accurate), measurable (quantifiable), archive able (can be achieved), realistic (be realistic), timed (accurately defined the time of their realization)

1. Specific - when setting goals it is necessary to be precise about what you want the company wants to achieve in the future. Selecting the proper and correct order is essential for achieving the desired results.
2. Measurable - goals should be set quantitatively. In fact, the purpose should be so expressed on the outcome can not be measured.
3. Archive able - objectives should be able to be realized in the period of concern, so they have to answer whether those goals can be achieved or not.
4. Realistic - The goals should be realistic, ie in accordance with the resources available to the company (people, parties, machines, materials, time)
5. Timed - should accurately define when those goals to be achieved.

SWOT - analysis

The purpose of the SWOT analysis is to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that occur during the operation of the enterprise market. It is a relatively simple analysis can be a very useful tool for studying permanent situation. Through this analysis though identification of forces (strengths) and weaknesses of establishment shall be determined and the potential opportunities and threats arising from matching / not-matching permanent knowledge and resources of the business unit or enterprise changes in macro environment.
Forces (strengths) of the enterprise related to the work in which the company has achieved excellent results, while weaknesses relate to things that the company needs to correct. Opportunities and threats relating to the external environment of the enterprise.
The main task of the company after-crafted SWOT - analysis is:
- To turn weaknesses into strengths.
- To turn threats (constraints) into opportunities.
- Using their own forces (strengths) to seize opportunities and turn them into higher profits.Weaknesses and limitations (threats) that can not be converted into strengths or opportunities should be minimized and avoided. Strengths and weaknesses arising from internal analysis and OJ most cases, the company may affect them, while identifying opportunities and constraints arising from the external analysis and rule them company can not affect only to adjust and take into account in defining marketing objectives and marketing strategy. Strengths may be the availability of large financial resources, a well-known brand, patents, good image, superior management team, partnership with other companies, excellent employees, superior quality etc.. Weakness it could be the lack of strategic direction in the development of small allocations for research and development, a very narrow range, outdated products, poor image, modest managerial knowledge and skills etc.. Opportunities you may be a high rate of growth in the market, changes in customer behavior, opening foreign markets, new uses, the emergence of new technology, application of other enterprises to enter into alliances with the company etc.. Limitations it could appear as a new entry konkuirent market introduction of substitutes, changes in customer needs and desires, recession, the emergence of new technology, barriers to foreign market, new strategies of competitors, etc..

Short-current planning of marketing

In accordance with the long-term strategic marketing plans, short-term marketing plans relating to the marketing categories in a shorter period of time, usually one year. The process of preparing short-term plans have many similarities to the process of making strategic plans. The most common obstacles that occur:
- Interference from political nature. Marketing planning is the process of resource allocation with certain products and departments in the enterprise can get more or less money than others, so managers see planning as a political activity, where you can come to the fore their ability to convince that their department deserves more resources.
- Opportunity costs. Some managers believe that marketing planning and planing in general is wasting time that does not meet daily expenses.
- Systematic reward. Reward system usually refers to a shorter period, ie Awards that are not giving the annual results, but according to the monthly or quarterly results. This results in monthly goals to become  important semi-annual or annual goals, and thus plan to become less important.
- Information. For making a good marketing plan, you need fresh information on market size, market share, market growth rate. If that information is wrong or show deliberately false information, the quality of the marketing plan is reduced, and thus its importance for the company.
- Corporate culture. Trying to set up a marketing plan may be inconsistent with the corporate culture. Due to lack of experience in the development of marketing plans, beginning their preparation can be perceived as a threat t .. managers may have hostile attitudes planning system that establishes the company.

Alternative strategies at BCG-matrix

Depending on whether it will also depend on the strategy that the company should apply in respect of which of them will continue to invest, where to stop investing, to leave. In this regard, the company at the disposal of four strategies:
- Investment in order to increase market share
- Investing as much as necessary to maintain constant market share
- The collection of income
- Leaving
The first strategy is usually applied to question marks, but only those that projected sales volume is large, ie on IE having a chance to become the leading run. If those things do not have the perspective that may become worthless things, then the company should apply a strategy for leaving.
The second strategy of investment in order to maintain market share is applied to cash cow, ie those that generate more cash than is necessary for their manufacture and sale. Excess cash used for financing the leading Test run and things.
The third strategy of collecting revenue is applied to things that are a poor source of cash in an unclear future known as dogs, and also to test things and work out if they have no perspective.
The fourth strategy of leaving apply on dogs, or test things if they do not have the opportunity to develop, whereby funds are moving toward a things that much more promising.

BCG matrix quadrants

Stars. These are things which are characterized by vsoka market growth rate (high attractiveness) and high relative market share over the competition. These data show that the activities taking place in attractive markets to competition, and markets the company has a very strong position. Products belonging to the leading things usually are in the growth phase of the product life cycle curve. Best examples of Stars currently which recorded high growth rates.
Question marks. These are things that are characterized by a high rate of growth in the market, but low relative market share. Are located in the upper right quadrant matrix growth and market share. Starting from the fact that it is a market with high growth rate, it can be concluded that these activities have a great need for funds. Products are found in this quadrant generally in the introduction phase of the product life cycle.
Cash cow. That it is positioned in the lower left quadrant of the matrix and are characterized by low growth and high market share. Given that it is a market with low growth rate, there is no need of large funds because the competition does not attract those markets, and therefore does not require major investments. Commercial products that are found in this quadrant typically operate in mature industries and products in this quadrant are typically found in the mature phase of the product life cycle.
Dogs. That it is positioned in the lower right quadrant are characterized by low growth and low market share. The low growth rate of the market means that no great need of funds, and on the other hand, it means that the market loses its appeal and no major competition. Products in this quadrant are in the phase-out of the product life curve.

Determination of objectives and their characteristics:

In its operations the company must define corporate goals based on which will then define their corporative objectives and level strategic business units and marketing purposes. Most common corporate objectives are the following:
Profitability. Companies from developed countries in the world, is the most important goal of profitability. this purpose is commonly expressed as absolute amount of profit, as earnings per share, the rate of return on invested capital. Profitability commonly measured annually, but can be measured even for three months, or even daily. Goals related to profit shall be determined on the basis of profit in previous years.
Growth. According to a survey done in the United States, the second order according to importance after profitability growth. Growth can be achieved in two ways: internally or through acquisition. High growth rates are usually achieved second way. Many business people believe that growth is closely related to the size of the enterprise.
Value to shareholders. The company belongs to the rightful owners and shareholders. Management of the enterprise should increase the market value of the company. But it can not be achieved if the company led by weak managers without enough know-how to do so. It follows that the increase in value for shareholders is more a result than the goal and the result of management's ability to successfully and properly selecting strategy.
Satisfaction of customers. Achieving customer satisfaction is what actually generates profit for the company because the dissatisfied customer will buy the product again, which in turn will lead to reduced sales and reduced profits. So, in the center of the attention of customers and their needs and desires, and therefore customer satisfaction is an integral part of the mission.
Other purposes. Despite the foregoing, the company may have other objectives, such as operational objectives related to production quality and productivity, innovation related to product improvement, goals aimed at employees, social objectives, environmental objectives as concern about pollution etc..

Developmental stages of marketing planning

Planning, such as it is today is the result of a long process involving several stages. According to Kotler, the stages through which passes the development of the plan are as follows:
- Phase without a plan
- Stage budgeting
- Phase of the annual planning
- Phase of long-term planning
- Strategic planning phase

First The first phase is the phase when there is no planning. The company does not prepare plan because it believes that there is no need of it, but also because there is not enough time for management planning. This phase occurs when the company was just established, management is primarily preoccupied with securing the necessary funding, procurement of necessary materials and equipment etc.
Second The second stage is the stage of budgeting. At this stage, the company develops a system of annual budgeting sales, costs and cash-flow. In fact, the management provides sales, costs and cash flows for the next time period for each department separately, but did not draw up a plan in the true sense of the word. In this follow all the deviations from the budget, in order to give appropriate explanation and to take appropriate actions.
The third phase is the phase of the annual planning. This phase occurs as a result of failure to budgeting, such as the emergence of significant deviations from the budget or lack of responsibility of all employees to participate in the realization of the budget, because the company accepts formalized planning approach. Otherwise, there are three possible approaches to the annual planning that can occur in this stage of development planning:- Planning from the top towards the bottom- Planning the bottom towards the top- Planning by setting objectives towards the bottom, and plans according to the above.
The fourth phase is the phase of long-term planning. This phase occurs when the management sees that despite the development of annual plans is very important to develop long term plans. In fact, long-term planning should precede the annual planning that is based on the prepared long term, at the end of each year to prepare an annual plan for next year.
The fifth phase is the phase of strategic planning. With the emergence of long-term plans emerged and the ability for strategic thinking. Namely, when there are only short term plans emerged out strategic thinking. Namely, when there are only short-term plans are mixed strategic issues and operational tactics, while long-term plans call ability to think and plan strategically. Through a strategic planning allows employees to be more motivated to work more effectively through the existence of a common vision for the future.

The need of approach with planning in marketing

Planning is imminent human activity. Only man before starting any activity, previously reconsidered a plan. All other living organisms carry out activities instinctively. Planning is permanent and continuous activity present in the organization of human life. Planning is especially necessary in any form of organization in which you have to coordinate multiple stakeholders who have specific duties and any common goals. The plan is the result of the planning process in a specific time period.
Marketing planning is an element in enterprise marketing management. Need for planning
is great so planning and marketing has gained prominence with the changes in technology and the development of science and technology which shortens the life span of the products, increases the time necessary for the reaction responsible managers without waiting mistakes competitors.
The plan of the company brings significant advantages:
- Alignment t activities of many participants who connected between at that point.
- Identify the anticipated development.
- Makes preparation for certain difficulties that can arise.
- Reduce irrational shares in unexpected situations.
- Improves communication between management staff in the enterprise.
- Decrease the disparities between employees, which would occur during listen separation of the goals of the company and employees.
Planning of marketing activities includes the following phases:
- Diagnosis (where the economic entity and why)
- Forecast (where it goes commercial entities)
- Objectives (where you need to go to business entities)
Strategy (which are the best ways to get there)
- Tactics (which specific actions should be taken and when)
- Control (which indicators to monitor to see if the economic entity's plan is successful or not)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Macro environment of the company

In general micro-environment of the company operate a number of factors.

Demographic environment which includes:
- Number and population growth
- Age
- Education
- Family
- Geographical movement of the population
- Ethnic and racial structure

Commercial (economic) environment:
- Distribution of income
- Savings, debts, credit opportunities for taking
- Modification of the model of consumer behavior

Physical (natural) environment:
- Lack of some basic raw materials
- Increasing energy costs
- Increasing the level of pollution
- Limitations in the management of natural resources

Technological environment:
- Quick pace technological change
- Unlimited possibilities for innovation
- Great investment for research and development
- Concentration of minor improvements rather than major breakthroughs
- Increasing the number of regulations on technological changes

Political and legal environment:
- Legislation regulating the operation
- The influence of various groups with special interests
- Consumerism

Socio-cultural environment:
- Beliefs, values, norms
- Culture and subculture

Actors in Micro environment

Success of the operation will depend largely on the efficiency of connection within a certain system. Because of that actors in micro environment are:
1. Enterprise
2. Suppliers
3. Intermediaries in marketing
4. Customers
5. Competitors
The company is the main actor in managing with marketing activities and its placement is of great importance for the overall marketing system. While it is not important just the positioning of the marketing function, but also the position of the other functions, and their connection with the marketing function.
Suppliers are also a very important factor in marketing management. Namely, given that suppliers should provide the necessary materials and supplies, it is clear that disturbances in this area directly affect the ability of the company to realize its goals.
Intermediaries in marketing may be companies who assist in the promotion, sales and distribution. As primary mediators occur:
- Intermediaries in the trade that make it possible to find buyers as agents and trade intermediaries.
- Physical distribution companies that carry out activities such as inventory storage, transport and so on.
- Marketing services agencies.
- Financial intermediaries, which include banks, insurance offices, etc.. that help provide funding the company.
Customers are the most important factors micro environment enterprise. There are 5 basic consumer markets:
- Consumer market where there are families and individuals as buyers of goods for personal consumptio
- Industrial markets where purchases are in charge of the production process
- Market resellers where purchased for further sale
- International markets
And competition has a direct impact on the marketing elements and occurs in the following basic types:
- Competition-brands (brands) products
- Competition of the products and enterprises operating in the same industry
- Competition in the characteristics of products that meet the same need
- Generic competition regarding the various possibilities of spending money at their disposal purchase.

Customers loyalty and Marketing enviropment

Building long-term business relationships with customers they continually buy products / services of the company lies in the essence of the marketing concept that clearly shows the direction in which develops marketing. In this case it comes to marketing purchase or relationship marketing. 
The goal is to make the customer happy and satisfied with the relationship with the company in order to continue to buy its products throughout its lifespan. In this sense, talk about the so called value refers to how loyal customer over its lifetime will spend their income purchasing products / services from the company that is happy and buy them without thinking to buy competing products. In fact, this value is the present value of future cash flows in buyer-seller relationships.
Marketing concept is not present in the company because the company has a marketing department or because the management says that the company is marketing-oriented. Marketing concept exists only if the enterprise buyers guide behavioral difference in thinking and mods operand, that is only if all the employees in that company to measure the results achieved through the use that offer to buyers whether directly communicate with customers or employees with the help of those who exercise those communications.

Marketing enterprise environment consists of all the actors and forces outside the office managing marketing activities of the company acting on its management capability can develop and maintain successful transactions with its customers. In terms of the impact of different factors micro-environment and macro-environment.
Micro-environment includes all actors that influence the ability of the enterprise to meet its markets (buyers), while macro-environment contains social forces that act on all enterprises.
Factors that affect marketing management, and general management of a long period of time can be grouped as follows: 
-  First factors containing external environment
- Second factors of the internal environment
A more detailed classification of factors is as follows:
- First general global environment factors related to total changes in the country and beyond
- Second factors Micro-environment enterprise (social, technological, economic, political and natural)
- Third factors related to direct marketing-related environment or market intermediaries and competitors
- Fourth Internal organizational factors enterprise

Marketing concept and tasks of marketing management

Marketing concept is a business concept that finds great application in practice and which will continue to evolve, supplemented and amended in line with changes in the environment in which the companies are operating. Marketing concept in the focus of attention has buyer and his needs and desires. In fact, the essence of this concept is that companies who implement organize their resources towards understanding customers ie their needs and desires for the purpose 
of offering products and services that meet those needs and desires in the best way that in order to achieve customer satisfaction as the ultimate goal. Marketing concept starts with buyers who look  what they need and what they want through research, continues to offer products and services that will best meet their needs and desires, and ends with the customer in terms of how they satisfied Research is being done again by the level of satisfaction among customers.Despite the marketing concept of companies available to other concepts such as:- Business concept related to sales (sales driven) which starts from the assumption that the company should offer and what can produce, and everything else then in the hands of sales staff through the use of aggressive sales techniques to sell the product .- Business concept related to technology (technology driven) aims the basic producing superior products with the best features with an emphasis on the technical and technological process, regardless of whether they perfect products are exactly what you are looking for buyers. There two under concepts: product concept and production concept- Business concept related to customers (customer driven) starts from the assumption that customers buy a product or service for the benefit of looking at that product, ie service. The aim is to achieve a profit by attracting customers, building loyalty and concern for the so-called customer value over the period of their attachment to the company.

Marketing management or marketing management activities starts with the customer and ends with the customer, ie first discover customer needs and desires, then they are met by offering additional products and services and finally monitor customer satisfaction again by conducting research .In the first phase, with a market analysis to determine market potential, then to develop ideas to meet the needs and to identify potential buyers in the market. So, when evaluating the needsof buyers marketing department needs to study in detail future buyers to understand what they actually want and what their needs.The second stage is meeting the needs of customers. At this stage after you determine the total potential market determines who represents the goal of the company and make decisions about product, price, distribution and promotion. In other words, after the assessment of the needs of customers, the marketing department must meet those needs through developing appropriate marketing program. But marketing activities does not stop here but continue to monitor customer satisfaction and with the main objective satisfied customers become loyal customers.Understanding the essence of marketing is important for marketing management. The governance and management of marketing activities (marketing management) can be considered to represent ... "Analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs designed to create, build and maintain beneficial exchanges and relationships of target markets in order to realize the objectives of the enterprise"

Marketing mix and marketing research

Marketing is not only for the purpose of creating an image, but creating reputation among all stakeholders of the enterprise, and through the construction of identity and the implementation of communication activities the company can build an image, and reputation can only be achieved if the image is upgraded by offering value for purchase. Finally, the resources invested in marketing should be viewed as an investment that will be returned to the company and it repeatedly.
The basic instruments of the marketing mix are known by the acronym 4P production enterprises, ie 7p service enterprises. 4P acronym means combining the 4 instruments: product, price, promotion, distribution. While the acronym 7p refers to people, processes and physical evidence, and applies to service companies that have successfully managed the entire process of providing services to the people who provide those services that receive direct contact with customers, but also to care about things like interior, room arrangement, logo, trademark, uniforms etc.. that will make service recognizable and service overcome the inability to see, touch, etc..

Marketing research is closely related to the marketing concept. Marketing research is the function that connects buyers, users and the public with marketing agent through information - information necessary to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, generate, prepare and evaluate marketing activities, monitors the results of marketing activities and improve the understanding of marketing as a process. According to Burns and Bush again "Marketing research is the process of designing, collecting, analyzing information and preparing reports that can help in finding a solution in a specific marketing problem"

According Huge Davidson, successful marketing means applying abbreviation POISE ie marketing should be:
P- profitable
O- offensive as much as possible
I- integrated
S- strategic and future-oriented
E- effective, ie to produce the desired results

Definition of marketing

 There are numerous definitions of what marketing represents ... Marketing is conducting business activities that lie on the courses and services from producer to consumer. Activities that are performed in marketing are often treated and defined in terms of commercial impact, but their coverage is quite higher, it can easy see from the following classification of the marketing activities:
1. Determining the needs and wishes of consumers
2. Assessment of competition (supply)
3. Product selection and design, as well as deciding the quality of product and shaping, sizing of the series, the optimal cycle of adoption of new products, the optimal inventory, packaging and method of transportation.
4. Policy and level of prices and services
5. Channels of sales, ie sales network
6. Communicating with consumers servicing products
7. Monitoring customer satisfaction

Successful understanding of marketing is based on several essential concepts or terms:

1. Needs, desires and demand, when it is considered that human needs are the starting point of marketing.
2. Product offering and brand (brand), with what can be offered to satisfy a need and desire as the product, regardless of whether the product appears more natural form or as a service.
3. Value and satisfaction, and the value indicates the degree of satisfaction of the need.
4. Exchange transactions and the transfer market is derived between at least two participants.
5. Market (all potential buyers who share operdelena need and all potential sellers, regardless of whether their relationship is established with their physical presence or electronically) including target market and segmentation.
6. Relationships with customers in order to achieve satisfaction and loyalty among customers.
7. Marketing channels through which distribute poizvodite and services to customers.
8. Marketing program that covers all the instruments of the marketing mix.